Reflection, Honor and Moving Forward


September 11th is a day that comes and goes.

On this day, people stop and reflect on the loss and the grief and forever changed world we live in, but after the day passes, folks go back to their every day lives and forget.

We say that we won’t forget but in truth, we do. Life moves onward and so it should.

So on this day, I want to stop and reflect. I want to remember. I need to grieve the lives lost and the lives changed. I want to honor the first responders who bravely sacrificed everything that day.

I also want to pay tribute to all our troops, who in the months and years since 9/11/01, put their lives on the line in the fight against our enemies.

Our innocence was lost on 9/11/01. We were all forever changed.

So on 9/11/15, I will remember. I will reflect. I will grieve again.

But on 9/12/15, I will keep living because that is the best revenge against the evil that befell us that horrible day fourteen years ago today.

2 thoughts on “Reflection, Honor and Moving Forward

  1. yourfriendbettyjk

    On September 11th I pause as I arrive at work, as I did this morning, because it was at that time, when I was pulling into the parking lot, that I heard on the radio about the second plane crashing into the second building (so it was clear it was no accident). I’ll always remember how I felt as we at work watched the events unfold via the internet. Then, my husband called from the airport (he was meant to travel that day) asking what was going on because all the planes had been grounded but they had also turned off the CNN news feed.

    I’ll always reflect on this day about the sacrifices and heroics. I try not to think about the evil, but nevertheless I find I am always unsettled by this day. May God bless everyone who was hurt by this horrific event.


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